Plants You Might See While Camping at Meramec Campground

Meramec Campground is located in Missouri, near the Meramec River, and offers a diverse range of plants native to the Ozark region. Here’s a list of plants you might encounter while camping there:
- White Oak (Quercus alba): A common hardwood tree with lobed leaves and a light gray bark, providing ample shade.
- Shortleaf Pine (Pinus echinata): Missouri’s only native pine, recognizable by its long needles and small cones.
- Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana): A hardy evergreen with scale-like leaves, often found in rocky areas.
- Black Walnut (Juglans nigra): A large tree with compound leaves and dark, ridged bark, known for its edible nuts.
- American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis): A large tree often found near water, with distinctive peeling bark and large leaves.
- Ozark Witch Hazel (Hamamelis vernalis): A shrub with yellow-orange flowers that bloom in late winter or early spring.
- Serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea): A small tree or shrub with white spring flowers and edible berries that ripen in early summer.
- Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius): A shrub with peeling bark and clusters of white or pink flowers, often found near streams.
- Bluebell (Mertensia virginica): Delicate blue flowers that bloom in early spring, often found in moist, shaded areas.
- Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa): A bright orange wildflower important for monarch butterflies, often found in sunny areas.
- Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa): A fragrant wildflower with pink or lavender blooms, often found in meadows.
- Missouri Primrose (Oenothera macrocarpa): A low-growing plant with large, yellow flowers that bloom in the evening.
- Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta): Bright yellow flowers with dark centers, common in open fields and along trails.
Ferns and Ground Cover:
- Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides): An evergreen fern that stays green year-round, often found in shaded areas.
- Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense): A low-growing plant with heart-shaped leaves and hidden, ground-level flowers.
- Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum): A woodland plant with large, umbrella-like leaves and a small, hidden flower that produces an apple-like fruit.
Grasses and Sedges:
- Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii): A tall native grass that was once dominant in Missouri’s prairies.
- Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium): A shorter grass with a blue-green color and fluffy seed heads.
- Indian Grass (Sorghastrum nutans): Another tall grass with golden plumes that appear in late summer.
Invasive Species to Watch Out For:
- Bush Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii): An invasive shrub with fragrant flowers and red berries, often found in disturbed areas.
- Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica): An aggressive plant with bamboo-like stems and broad leaves, often found near water.
These plants reflect the rich biodiversity of the Ozark region, where Meramec Campground is located. Whether you’re hiking, fishing, or simply relaxing, you’re likely to encounter a variety of these native species during your visit.
Family owned and operated, Kiefer Campgrounds strive to offer you the best rates for a comfortable location with outstanding service, and spotless facilities. When you stay in one of our parks, you are no longer just a happy camper, but a part of our family! We are most certain you will enjoy your stay with us. Pick your favorite location and book your spot now before it’s too late! You’ll be happy you did!